November 2021 to August 2024
Hafelekar (Austria): Research Centre

Project Description
CareerBot partnership seeks to improve Digital Readiness of the Career Guidance sector by implementing CareerBot methodology and tool, facilitating blended guidance sessions and to use customized Labour Market Information (LMI) to empower marginalized job seekers. We want to put Career Guidance Practitioners at the centre and assist them – and their organisations – on the path of digitalisation so that they can advise their clients in the best possible way.
With the help of our methodology, job seekers will be able to gather relevant information before and after personal interviews, so that valuable personal services can be used efficiently. With the “CareerBot project” we propose a pilot that focuses on the role of career guidance, which became more demanding, and must be adapted more rapidly and flexibly to the changing needs of the new world of work.
The CareerBot project includes 4 main project outcomes:
- CareerBot Content and Methodology
- CareerBot Tool
- Blended CareerBot training for Career Guidance Practitioner
- Transfer Handbook for Implementation with focus on Organisational Development (OD)
In addition, a training event for Career Guidance Officers will be held in Greece and ten Multiplier Events will be organised towards the end of the project to share the learning and engage with all the relevant stakeholders to make them aware of the new CareerBot tool and its benefits.
project partners
The CareerBot partnership includes 6 partners from 4 countries with diverse profiles:
Hafelekar (Project Leader, Austria):
Tiroler Soziale Dienste (Austria)
Active Citizens Partnership (Greece)
Consultoría de Innovación Social (Spain)
Pontydysgu bridge to learning (Spain)
Ballymun Job Centre (Ireland)

The Ballymun Job Centre BJC would like to invite you to our multiplier event organised in Croke Park Hotel (Fitzroy Meeting room). Looking at increasing digital readiness of the career guidance sector, this event aims to inspire new ways of thinking about how we deliver career guidance and how technological advancements can factor in to our everyday practices. To do so, two of the BJC’s projects will be presented and discussed – CareerBot, a chat-bot-based, AI-informed career guidance tool; and Good e-Guidance Stories (GeGS), a project which used digitalised case studies and the digital platform Jobiri to support career guidance practitioners, particularly relevant since the Covid-19 pandemic wherein remote guidance became a standard practice.