The BJC provides a professional and free service to employers assisting them in recruitment of staff.
Since its establishment in 1986 the BJC has developed relationships with a wide range of employers from small enterprises to large multi-nationals operating in a variety of different areas such as financial services, hospitality, health care, IT hardware and software, public, community and private sectors.
how we can help You
The BJC has over 30 years experience of working with employers in meeting their recruitment needs.
The BJC sets a high standard of quality in all its services including the services it provides to employers. Employers use and re-use the BJC service because of the experience and quality of the service provided.
Unique needs of the employer
If experience has taught the BJC anything it is that every employer is unique. The staff of the BJC work to understand the distinctive recruitment needs of employers that use our recruitment services and to match these to the right person.
a pool of available job seekers
Since opening in 1986 over 20,000 job seekers have registered with the BJC. At any given time the BJC is working with over 1,000 active job seekers. When clients register with the BJC they are interviewed to determine their educational background, previous work experience, career and employment interests. Many of the clients registered with the BJC have undertaken education or training and have acquired skills relevant to today’s labour market. The guidance staff work with individuals on a one-to-one basis in order to prepare them for, and support them to access employment.
Simple steps to meeting your recruitment needs
BJC staff will communicate or meet with the employer to understand their specific needs. This includes the job description, the employer’s expectations, and the ideal candidate specification
With a comprehensive outline of the job description, i.e. salary, hours and other relevant information, and the profile of the ideal candidate, the information is used as a method of informing job seekers about the vacancy
From working with job seekers, staff can quickly identify individuals that match the job description. Our staff contact the clients to discuss the vacancy and the details of the job. If clients are suitable, they are selected as potential candidates
The employer selects the candidates they wish to call for interview. The BJC staff will contact the candidates to set up interviews and if necessary, the BJC can provide interview facilities. If the candidate is successful, BJC will provide onboarding supports
employer testimonials

contact us
useful links
JobsPlus is an incentive from the Department of Social Protection to encourage and reward employers who offer employment opportunities to the long term unemployed.
Grants of €7,500 and €10,000 are available.
JobsPlus replaces the Employer Job PRSI Exemption and the Revenue Job Assist Schemes.
If you are an employer and you want to register for JobsPlus, please fill out the online Application form here!
The Wage Subsidy Scheme gives financial incentives to private sector employers to employ people with a disability. The work offered must be for a minimum of 21 hours per week and the subsidy is available up to 39 hours per week.
An employee with a disability on the scheme has the same conditions of employment as other employees.
These include:
- social insurance (PRSI) contributions
- tax deductions
- annual leave
- other leave entitlements
The employer must pay the employee with a disability the going rate for the job. This must be at least the statutory minimum wage. These terms and conditions of employment should be set out in the employee’s contract.
for further information and how to apply click here!
Work and Access is a set of supports to help people with a disability get a job or stay in work. The supports aim to remove or reduce barriers in the workplace for people with a disability.
Supports for Jobseekers, Employees, Self-Employed include:
- Workplace Needs Assessment, to assist in identifying the need for additional supports
- Communication Support, for interview and in work
- In-Work Support, to help you perform in your position
- Personal Reader, to assist you in work
- Work Equipment, to assist you in your job
Work and Access employer supports include:
- Workplace Needs Assessment, to assist in identifying employees need for additional supports
- Workplace Adaptation, to accommodate additional employee needs
- Disability Equality and Inclusion Training, to provide employers and organisations with access to training for staff, to gain a better awareness and understanding of disabilities in the workplace
for further information and how to apply click here!