2015 – 2018: Euro i-VET- Enhancing the quality of I-VET provision for young people in urban, multicultural settings, Erasmus+, Ka2, Coordinated by 15billion
AIMs & Objectives
The overall aim of Euro – IVET is to enhance the education and training paths of the above target groups with preventative and innovative methods, techniques and resources that link with these young people’s lifestyles and cultural values and the values of vocational education providers and employers to produce high quality i-VET provision for all, in support SO2 of the ET2020 Objectives and the flagship ‘Youth on the Move’. Our specific objectives are to:
- Develop, test and publish new, practical and innovative professional development resources – methodologies, guidance material, curricula and competences – based on the theoretical framework of the El Hadioui ‘street culture’ thesis
- Enable c-VET for VET professionals to support i-VET that is attractive, inclusive, easily accessible and career-orienting in line with the objectives set out in the Global Vision for VET 2020 set out in the Bruges Communiqué
- Develop an accredited Euro-iVET qualification framework for VET professionals which will enable the transfer and accumulation of learning outcomes that facilitate transnational mobility and learning, enhancing and improving VET practice and provision, incorporating ECVET and Europass, and in line with the Bruges Communiqué
- Increase partnership working between employers, VET providers, guidance and education staff from a range of sectors, through active peer learning and exchange of good practice, in line with SO3 of ET2020
As well as embedding the European dimension throughout its aims and objectives above, it would impossible to undertake this project solely at domestic level as it brings together practitioners from 3 European inner-city contexts that have experienced severe social unrest (UK, FR, SE) with 2 (IE, DE) that, while similar in urban context, have not – to compare and share know-how, solution and practice in deprived, multi-cultural labour market settings to build new solutions that are truly transnational in addressing the street/education/employer culture challenge in i-VET.
Other Partners:
Ballymun Job Centre located in Dublin was established in 1986 as a community response to a chronic unemployment situation. The mission of the BJC is to raise the skills and labour market aspirations of individuals in Ballymun and to promote the Ballymun labour force to employers.
Eurocircle is a European NGO based in Marseille, France. They develop and carry out transnational projects, specialising in the international mobility of young people. These projects are designed to foster the emergence of a European citizenship based on the values of inter-cultural tolerance, equality, peace, ecology and solidarity.
Folkuniversitetet (FU) is a leading national Adult Education Association which offers a wide range of VET and adult education training courses throughout Sweden and in several European countries.
MetropolisNet is a European Economic Interest Group (EEIG) located in Berlin. MetropolisNet is a European network consisting of different types of organisations, all of which work in the contexts of large European cities.
Rinova Ltd is a social enterprise that specialises in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of Skills, Learning and VET programmes, with a specialism in terms of the interface between VET, Employment and Employability, Enterprise and Cultural Learning.