The First Steps Programme provides participants with engaging bite-sized workshops, career guidance, and valuable insights into training, education, and employment opportunities.
It is ideal for individuals who are uncertain about the first step in their career path and unaware of the opportunities available to them.
While this programme is uncertified, participants will complete Manual Handling training and receive a certificate of attendance.
Martina Keogh
Tel: 01 8667000 or email
CEO: Nicola Fogarty
Chairperson: John Dunne
Registered Company Number: 4397R
Registered Charity Number: 20020040
CHY (Revenue) Number: CHY 8258
Ballymun Job Centre
Civic Centre, Main Street,
Ballymun, Dublin 9, D09 C8P5
Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm
Friday 9am to 4pm
Telephone: 00353 1 866 7000