2015 – 2018: Vocational Training of the Inner-Self (VOCIS) Erasmus+, Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training


The VOCIS project aims at increasing competences and skills for self-regulation of professionals or students and to implement coaching for self-regulation in order for them to achieve a better coping with increasing professional constraints and a higher efficiency at work. VOCIS is thus a contribution to raise the quality and the labour market relevance of vocational education as well as the capacity for sustainable adaptability of European organizations.

The VOCIS project will develop a set of high quality instruments for the Vocational Education and Training of self-regulation skills to be used by VET teachers and trainers, coaches, professionals in both continuous and initial vocational education and training.

This set of instruments will comprise a diagnostic toolkit, frameworks and methods for individual coaching and peer coaching, training frameworks, methods and materials for initial and continuous vocational training of the inner self.

They will be available in the national languages of the project’s consortium (English, French, German, Italian and Croatian). All materials will be accessible on this website. Elements of good practice derived from the project will be compiled in a publication in English.


VOCIS will establish a set of educational instruments to reinforce skills for self-regulation and self-control to increase the ability of employees, students, trainers/teachers and coaches for flexible and sustainable self-regulation, self-organization, and self-guidance leading to higher motivation and volition and better coping with frustration.

More specifically, this set of educational instruments will be composed of following outputs:

  •  a framework of methods and contents for individual coaching for self-regulation skills
  • a framework of methods and contents for peer coaching for self-regulation skills
  • a curricula including methods and contents for continuous vocational training of the inner-self
  • a curricula including methods and contents for initial vocational training of the inner-self.

Training/lecture guides and workbooks will be made available in English, German, French, Italian and Croatian for each one of these outputs.

A diagnostic toolkit will be developed for identifying strengthens and weaknesses of inner-self related skills. It will allow a flexible and relevant use of the materials to address learning objectives on an individual level as well as on an organisational level in coaching and training contexts.

All elements of good practice derived from the project will be compiled and presented in a final publication which will be made available in English.

A VOCIS website will be created and launched in order to sustainably promote and make available the project’s results. The website will be mainly in English but it will also contain the results produced in German, French, Italian and Croatian.



VOCIS website

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