2015 - 2017: Net-Working for Quality Culture and Assurance (NQCA), Erasmus+, Ka2, Coordinated by Ballymun Job Centre
Net-Working for Quality Culture and Assurance aims to design, develop and implement a model of Interagency working which focuses on Quality Culture and Quality Assurance across the VET journey. Eight partners from across six programme countries will adapt and develop the Net-Working for Quality Assurance model (developed in a previous Leonardo da Vinci TOI project - LLP/LdV/TOI/2012/IRL-502) so as to ensure its relevance across a wider VET journey (defined as including some/all of the following stages: decision to access VET, through employment services, through a guidance process, initial referral into VET, VET provision, transition to employment/ higher education, up-skilling in the workplace).Context/Needs Addressed
The previous NQA project identified that quality tends to exist within services/provision but can be significantly reduced during transition points in a clients VET journey. The Interagency approach aims to strengthen the links between stakeholders particularly in relation to shared goals and trust, and develop a culture of quality which will be aspired to by a range of stakeholders representing various stages of the VET journey. Previously, NQA sought to influence the long term achievement of Bruges (2010) which advocates the progression of individual citizens through the creation and delivery of quality assured VET initiatives 'Given the role of VET in European Societies and economies, it is crucial to ensure the sustainability and excellence of vocational education and training' (Bruges Communique, 2010). However, NQA found that quality VET journeys involve many stakeholders and many stages and that the quality of this journey particularly for those most disadvantaged required a continuum of quality assurance underpinned or enabled by quality cultures. Quality assurance within VET provision is not sufficient, but requires the VET sector to cooperate with a range stakeholders from employment services, to employers and that 'a transparency and a common approach to quality assurance in VET' (Bruges, 2010) should be a longer term objective. NQCA seeks to do just this.NQCA will research VET journeys, identify VET case studies, research QA/quality culture/Interagency working and develop an NQCA model. It will further develop NQA as a quality label, design and test Master training and NQCA training, implement 91 interagency meetings, 6 transnational meetings and 7 multiplier events. It will take a serious approach to Policy-Practice gaps, create a space for this dialogue and design a Toolkit for Policy Makers to support sustainability and recognition. NQCA will demonstrate the value created through use of a Social Impact Evaluation and disseminate widely the learning achieved. The partners will utilise an Implementation science methodology (IO3).