
Prepare for Social and Environmental Transitions through Territorial Cooperation

Erasmus+ Project Reference: 2023-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000152283

Find out more in our project website: https://www.terrinov-europe.com/

Project Description

Our Goals

The  Terrinov  project  aims to  create  an  innovative support  model  which  will be  experienced  and  tested on  the  transnational territories  of  the organizations  involved  in the  project.

The  idea  is  that  employment  and  territorial  development  stakeholders  share  existing  territorial  cooperation  practices  with  a  view  of  preparing  for  social  and  environmental  transitions  and  increasing  access  to  employment  and  professional  training.

The activities carried out in this project will be carried out in compliance with the horizontal principles defined by the European Union (gender equality / equality between women and men; equal opportunities and non-discrimination; sustainable development)

Project outputs:

The TerrInov project is composed of 4 Work Packages:

  • WP1:  Project management
  • WP2: Sharing innovative practices from transnational territorial cooperation Transnational management of collective skills
  • WP3 : Analysing and building the territorial collective skills of tomorrow. Promotion, attractiveness and visibility of territorial micro-projects
  • WP4 : Communication capitalisation and dissemination Information and active promotion1

Project results

The main goal of the project TerrInov is to model a support process aiming to increase the employability and skill set of European individuals seeking job or education. This model will then lead to revitalise the local territories.

The use of this model by the partners of the project, will represent an important first step in the sharing of the tools that we would like to consolidate by the use on a larger scale, at the European level.

Target groups: Young people and adults in social and professional inclusion environments & Business leaders, employees and future entrepreneurs

Project Duration: September 2023 – August 2025

project partners

Mission Locale Picardie Maritime (Lead Partner, France)

Ballymun Job Centre Co-operative Society Ltd. (Ireland)

SARL LeCube (France)

Aventura Marao Clube (Portugal)

Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa w Toruniu (Iph Chamber of Commerce Toruń, Poland)


Find out more in our project website: https://www.terrinov-europe.com/

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.