Guide 2.0 project

The BJC are delighted to be participating in yet another GUIDE EU project which aims to improve information, advice and guidance for young people especially those facing multiple and complex barriers to progression.

Project Overview

Good Guidance Stories 2.0 aims to improve educational and job-related Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) for young adults by developing learning material for IAG practitioners. Guide 2.0 is the third project of the Guide series and places special attention on the target group of young adults (18 –35 years), particularly those experiencing barriers to employment. Within Guide 2.0, seven new case studies will be developed with a focus on employability and the challenges of today’s labour market, through an international community of practice made up of 12 IAG practitioners and managers. Eight existing case studies from the two preceding projects focus on the competences and professionalism of IAG practitioners. The latter will be digitised, and all materials will be made available through an online-learning environment

Guide2.0 is shaped by and benefits from the effective practice and lessons learned from predecessor projects ‘Good Guidance Stories’ and ‘Good Guidance Stories Plus’ and builds upon this EU-wide theme of work by:

1. Forming a virtual Community of Practice to extend and develop IAG & Employability Practitioner Competence; facilitate personal and professional development through innovative peer-to-peer learning exchanges, and production of Case Studies as effective continuing professional development tools.

2. The Community of Practice drawing upon experience, insight and new ways of working to improve ‘the system’ and adapt to the new challenges brought about by the changing nature of society and the ‘world of work’.

3. Using Action Learning Sets as a method for increased innovation capability and learning innovation.

4. Setting out the value of the ‘Co-production Agenda’ to address the need for local application of effective practice models that are co-designed in partnership with young people.

5. Using Participatory Appraisal as a facilitated approach to enable sharing, development and analysis of the ‘current situation’ as experienced by young people themselves.

Guide2.0 will add to the existing portfolio of eight Case Studies by producing seven brand-new Case Studies: Personal Employability Skills, Self Management, Working Together and Communication, Creativity, Enterprise and Innovation, Flexible Frameworks for Learning and IAG, Long-term Joined-up Approach, and Re-thinking Roles, Relationships and Mindsets.

project partners

The BJC is a partner on the Guide 2.0 Project and is working with the following partners 


Rinova, Lead Partner

City of Tampere, Employment Service unit. 

CIOFS, Italy

MetropolisNet (Germany)

Eurocirle, France:

Want to know more?

If you would like to find out more about the Guide 2.0 Project then please visit the website here!
find out more

Good Guidance Stories 2.0: IAG Practice for Young Adults


11th of September 2020


Good Guidance Stories Dublin multiplier was held in Dublin on the 11th of September 2020 and was hosted online by the Ballymun Job Centre.

The event was attended by 28 Career Guidance Practitioners from across a variety of sectors in Adult Career Guidance in Ireland, including practitioners from the City of Dublin Training and Education Board, a large number of practitioners from Local Employment Services from across the Country as well as, a number of practitioners currently in private practice in Ireland. The Event was led key staff from the Ballymun Job Centre, including experienced guidance practitioners, European project workers, and was attended by a key Speaker Daniel McCann a Project Worker with Ballymun Job Centre since June 2019 and who works primarily with young offenders who have committed a high number of offences and whose criminal behaviour is negatively impacting on the community.

The Event began with an overview of the useful materials as developed throughout the Guide 2.0 project, including information of how to set up a Community of Practice and Action Learning Sets within the sector and local organisations. A key note speaker, Danielle McCann, described her  experiences as a project worker with young offender and of her involvement of working very successfully in a multiagency way as part of  Ballymun STRIVE Initiative., a very successful Community of Practice made up of key agencies such as the Probation Service, An Gardaí Siochana, the Irish Prison Service, and community based organisations, who have build local knowledge and long lasting relationships with individuals in the community.

Attendees of the event, where then provided with the opportunity to meet in smaller groups and to discuss key aspects of the project materials and the potential usefulness of this in their work and services.

 A robust discussion was then had with all attendees of the event, regadring the current COVID-19 restrictions and impact of same on Guidance service delivery, making reference to the how GUIDE 2.0 materials can develop Guidance Practitioners skills and competencies for working in a new way with service users and develop practical and key supports for practitioners at this time. Feedback obtained from the event was very positive and include the comments below.  

“The case studies and blended learning modules will be extremely useful in my public employment role and indeed in my private practice”.

“The case studies are a great support for newly trained Guidance Officers”

“The learnings gave a clear structure to be followed”.

“As a novice advisor it would be useful for practice”.

 For further information on GUIDE 2.0 in Ireland please contact Jennifer Hughes, Career Guidance and Project coordinator at; hughesj@bmunjob,ie

Final European Conference online: a multitude of perspectives and inspiration for more peer-led training for IAG practitioners

Heading towards the end of Good Guidance Stories 2.0 the Final European Conference took place online on the 6th October under the headline ‘Professional Development in Career Guidance and IAG – the peer led learning approach of the Good Guidance Stories 2.0 project’. For two hours, about 40 practitioners and managers of Information Advice and Guidance services as well as policymakers from across Europe came together to discuss the future of guidance.

Check out the latest Guide 2.0 Project newsletter here!